Gamma Honors®: the International Honors Society for Honor Graduates is another recruiting source and go-to-place for employers and educational institutions. Employers may want to consider Gamma Honors as a reliable, inexpensive and good source for hiring future employees. Similarly, educational institutions and admissions officers looking for talented graduates may find Gamma Honors very useful and time-saving. Where else would you find a reliable database of the best in academics than Gamma Honors where only students who graduate with honors seek membership?
Gamma Honors should be a welcome relief to any organization interested in hiring the very best in academics. Small, medium and large businesses should benefit from the services provided by Gamma Honors.
Gamma Honors offers membership in five categories: Doctorate, Master’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Associate’s Degree, and High School Diploma/Certificate. Since membership is open exclusively to applicants who graduate with honors as verified by an official of the applicant’s school, businesses and other organizations who verify prospective employees’ academic records from Gamma Honors can avoid the delays often faced when requesting for, and/or waiting for transcripts from applicant’s school.
To better appreciate why employers should view Gamma Honors as an asset, one not only needs to imagine what it takes to become an honors graduate, but also consider the qualities generally attributed with honor graduates. These are students who excelled in their academics, earning and consistently maintaining a high grade-point average during their course of studies. Gamma members and students who graduate with honors are truly exceptional when compared with those who graduated without honors.
These student graduates are hardworking, focused, determined, and attentive and have a passion for success. Many have leadership skills/potential and tend to be resilient, engaging and are typically on time to work. They are reliable and they also tend to be more optimistic and realistic exuding self-confidence. They typically complete or strive to complete assigned tasks on time. True, every graduate with honors may not possess all of these attributes and qualities, the fact, however, is that most do in comparison to other graduates. It is for these reasons and many more that they should be sought after and employed. It is also for the same reasons that Gamma Honors will continue to strive to be recognized as a useful information clearinghouse on behalf of our members.
At Gamma Honors, we stand ready with employers and/or organizations who will welcome our members and who are equally committed to academic excellence at all levels.